Practical Prepping Podcast
Practical Prepping Podcast is for everyday people.Helping you become prepared for whatever emergencies come our way. Where gear is good, but knowledge is better, because the more you know, the less you have to carry. Whatever the emergency, natural disaster, or man-made events which may disrupt daily life from minutes to months... from running out of gas, getting snowed in, going through a hurricane or tornado, even an extended SHTF event, we all need to be prepared. The government isn't coming to help. WE ARE ON OUR OWN! Family friendly listening, as we promise to keep it clean! We don's do bunkers with years of supplies in order to repopulate the earth after TEOTWAWKI. We aren't preparing to survive a nuclear war (probably wouldn't want to survive that one.) We do prepare to survive the actual threats that we are most likely to face, and we want to help you get prepared for the threats that you will most likely face. We'll keep it practical. That's why it is called "Practical Prepping Podcast Website: www.practicalprepping.info produced and provided by: www.prolinedesigns.us
Practical Prepping Podcast
Episode # 279, "Managing Expectations And Learning To Say "No"
Practical Prepping Podcast, Episode # 279, "Managing Expectations And Learning To Say "No"
In this episode we discuss managing expectations, especially in the area of prepping, but also our own expectations and the expectations of others. We also discuss learning to say "no."
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Jim Curtis Knives
Email Jim: j.curtis7mm@yahoo.com
The BASE Handgun Training System (Link includes a discount)
KleenSTART Non- alcohol based hand sanitizer and antiseptic solution
click here for the KleenSTART link with 25% discount applied
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